Butoh Tanz

mit Eva Maria Klauser-Herrmann


About Butoh


Butoh is a modern expressionist dance founded in the late 1950s, early 1960s in Japan.

Butoh is a performance art that expanded throughout the world in the 1980s.

Butoh is a dance without fixed forms and without tabus.

Butoh is surrender to the Self.

Butoh is to evoke inner guidance through dance.


In Japan the trinity body-mind-and-soul is inseparably connected with each other. In the Asian way of thinking they are not existing separatly and therefore can no even be thought as separated. When I speak of the body here I always mean this unity.

Through becoming your own dance one can understand the perfection of one´s body. Trust can be found into our bodies again.

One main element of Butoh  – and also in classes – is metamorphosis into other forms of existance.

Through that the dancers are coming into contact with the rhythms of nature: Breathing in and out. Coming into being and vanishing. Death and rebirth. Movement and stillness. The polarities of life can be found within oneself.

Feelings can be expressed and through that can fade away. Old habits can be cut off. All parts of the universe can be found within ourselves. We can be releaved from too narrow self-identifications in order to be free who we really are: One with the universe, one with ourselves.



. Metamorphosis: Starting from pictures out of nature we become plants, animals and other forms of appearance – like stone, flower, gras, tiger, insect, river, rain, snow, sun, moon or the earth – or different states of human existance – like baby, old woman or man, Buddha – but also seemingly inanimated objects – like paper or an empty tea cup. The possibilities are without end.

. Meditative walking

. Improvisation: is seen as a way to surrender oneself to the impulses from within. It does not only mean just to do whatever one wants to. But to listen to guidance in our bodies. Sometimes it feels like a freely expressed daydream, somtimes only surrendering to the now, to being in our bodies.

. Exercises that help us to synchronise our breathing with our movement. To relax from too much thinking and so to fully arrive in our bodies, here and now!





WHEN? Wednesday 19:00-21:00

WHERE? Studio, Piaristengasse 32, 1080

Dates: Oct. 4., 11., 18., and 25., 2023

               Nov. 8., 15., 22. and 29.

               Dec. , 13. and 20.

               January, 17. and 24., 2024

Costs: 180,- (12 x)

1x, 21,-/Try!

Information: admin@butoh-tanz.at

No limitation of age!

No special knowledge or dance experience is necessary!

Please contact us before!

Tel: 0664/ 125 73 67




3-Days-Workshop in Scheibbs

When? Thursday, June 6th,  18:00 – Sunday, June 9th, 2024, 14:00

Where? Buddhist Center Scheibbs, 3270 Scheibbs

(1 1/2 hours from Vienna by car, 2 hours by train)

Costs: 165,- for the workshop plus 208,- for lodging and food

Information: www.bzs.at

Registration: BZS, Mathias Köhl, Tel.: 0699 19049636